Thursday, December 29, 2016

Day four of the Frozen Pizza Throwdown. You might be asking yourself. Self? Do you think Scotty is getting tired of pizza?

Image result for charlton heston laughing gif

I am not.

After last nights pizza .....tho. Mama Bosso's just didn't do anything for me. I can usually find something to like.Alas Mama's I put in the Manny's Pizza in Fulton Illinois category. Search in the blog for the Manny's review.

And so it is that I go with a known quality that probably won't let me down. I'm going to try the regular Butch's sausage pizza.

Butch's website for more info.

The now obligatory rumshot! And utensils of the trade.

Lets fire up the way back machine!

Butch's into the fire!

Lucy is even excited for some zza!

The party is over. I have one more frozen pizza in the freezer for tomorrow. It's a Home Run Inn.I just cooked the best frozen pizza ever.

Butch's Pizza is hands down the best.This is the pizza that Mama Bosso wanted to be.

I am still eating Butch's frozen pizza.Still great.

After four days you would think I still would hold out hope for Home Run Inn Pizza.I might and I will report about said pizza.

But.Butch's Sausage  is my new most favorite frozen pizza ever.It is that good. I am serious. Go buy this pizza.If you don't like Butch's,well you are no friend of mine.Almost better than you know what,but not!



My attempt at a Casey's breakfast pizza. I gotta admit. It didn't come out of the oven looking like it was from Casey's.

Lets go.

Into the oven.

And out.


So how was it? Not to bad. Think I put a little too much sausage and gravy on it.  There's always a next time too.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Feeling a little old school today. Day three of the Frozen Pizza Throwdown.

Yours truly with the obligatory rumshot!

The important tools of the trade.

Tonight's pizza will be a familiar pizza to most Quad Citian's. Mama Bosso's is made in beautiful Rock Island Illinois. As an FYI. I have had Mama Bosso's pizza alot. It's pretty tasty and well I included it in the Throwdown because I haven't had one in awhile. This pizza is about as close as one can find to a Frank's, Harris, Uncle Bills et al.

Mama's website.

Lets fire up the oven and see what happens.

My, my, my. Mama Bosso is just not that good. I'm sorry.  The crust is plain. The meat has no taste. No sauce what so ever.

I'm sorry. Mama Bosso's I wanted to love you,alas I can't. I'm not going to brag this pizza up. Is it better than a Jacks or Tombstone? Not really.

Don't waste your money. I can't sugarcoat my pizza opinion.

I give this a hard to assign 5 on the Scotty scale.

In no way will I quit with the Frozen Pizza Throwdown!

Just my opinion.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

And so it is. That said. For tonight's pizza I just reached in the freezer and pulled out that proverbial box of chocolate.

The all important rumshot! And then the tools and implements for tonight's throwdown.

So what are we having tonight? Looks like a Brew Pub Pizza. They did not have just a regular sausage at the store so I had to go with a sausage and pepperoni. That's okay I love pepperoni too. Looking around the Brew Pub pizza website it seems there are a number of different frozen pizza's they have. I've already had a Bellatoria frozen pizza and they are really good if you like thin crust (Yay) like I do. As mentioned I have at least another weeks worth of frozen pizza's to try. Orv's,Roma and Pizza Corner. These are all on my radar.

Check out their website for more info.

For tonight.
Let's fire up the oven and bake this pizza!
Pizza on the stone.

 So how does the Brew Pub Pizza stack up? I'll give this pizza about a 7. It's ok.It's just enough to be great!

The meat toppings were good. The sauce was probably what I liked best about this pizza. The crust was just very average. The Sun Is Eclipsed By The Moon!

Final thoughts. Brew Pub Pizza I'll give a 7.00 on my frozen pizza scale.

As always. My thoughts are mine. You might like Totinos.I won't hold that against you.



Monday, December 26, 2016

The family unit minus me has flown to warmer climes. The dog and I will be left to our own shenanigans for the rest of the week.

So here we go. The Frozen Pizza Throwdown.

Yours truly getting ready.With all the ingredients and utensils.

Tonight's pizza is going to be one I am not familiar with at all. Connies. The picture on the box looks pretty tasty(and lets face it the pictures usually end up being better than the pizza) but I digress.

One point I'd like to make before I comment further. For the record I am not a fan of deep dish or any type of stuffed crust pizza. I've always been more of a thin crust fan. So I tend to stick with what I like. Even on a real roadtrip review I will order thin crust. The wife and kid are the ones that like some sort of deep dish. Just so you all know. That's why for this week I have bought all thin crust frozens. Ok? Okay.Just had to get that off my chest(belly).

Here is some info about Connie's for those interested.

Here's what the pizza in the box looks like.
 Time for the oven.
Connie's wrapped and then on the stone.Obviously the picture on the box looks much better than the real pizza. For a guy that likes his rum.I could do a better job of spreading the sausage.

 And then baking.
Out of the oven and then plated!

Holy smokes is this frozen pizza great or what? Yes it is. Connie's,puts the all important corn meal on the bottom of the crust.

So to my thoughts.

What you see on the cardboard box when you buy a Connie's frozen Pizza.You get what you are buying.
The sausage was really tasty.The sauce was right up there.The crust,lord the crust with the corn meal knocked this frozen pizza right out of John O'Donnel!

I'm not gonna lie. I have eaten many frozen pizza's in my 52 years of life.Is this the best frozen pizza ever?
But I'll rank this in my top 10. The corn meal on the bottom gives Connie's a push.

I would not hesitate to give this  a 2 thumbs up. Just eat Connie and shut up. She taste's good.

Don't forget.4 more days of frozen pizza goodness.

