Friday, December 16, 2016

On the advice of my lovely daughter Zoey, she gave me heads up about a semi local frozen pizza maker.

I had never heard of Butch's Pizza ,but she swears by this pizza.So as the ever slave to pizza that I am.I Googled up Butch's website and emailed them the closest location to my house that I could acquire said pizza.

Well it didn't take long for a reply. The Hy-Vee on East 53rd St in Davenport stocks Butch's. So I was on a mission in the crappy weather we are having. I will be buying all of my frozen pizza throwdown pizza's from here. Sheri and I counted at least ten pizza's that would fit into my really dumb idea.

That said I will be cooking a Butch's tonite.Sheri is trying out a frozen Geno's East deep dish.It's in the oven now.

Butch's Pizza.

And the Geno's East deep dish.

This is what the Geno's East and the Butch's pizza looked like out of the oven.

This post is just a teaser for the Frozen Pizza Throwdown coming up up after Christmas! It's going to be fun and I hope you all enjoy it too.

We will of course be going out and about for a real sit down pizza experience. The weather just is not cooperating today.Probably Sunday for a real review.



  1. I can't even look at those pictures I want a good pizza so bad. We haven't had much luck on quality pizza out here.
